Wednesday 25 September 2013

Back from gap

I am baaack from this big gaaap and have turned a bit insane too. Anyways, I'll be updating a short story tomorrow (preparation for test actually) Maybe a poem too which I have already written. But since I don't have time now, adios :)
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Thursday 19 September 2013


There's silence for one mesmerizing moment and then the silence breaks out with sighs of relief and hushed whispers. I moan in pain as I try to get up. One of the boys offers his hand but I ignore it. Adrenaline rushing in my ears, I can hardly hear anything. My eyes are blinded by tears. My hands and feet are numb. It seems as if I've lost all my senses at once. The pain runs up and down my body, consuming me in it's wake, forcing soft moans of pain out of my throat. I struggle to remain silent, to not scream or cry out. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my fist. No one seems to notice that I am in this much pain. The hushed whispers have resumed, and people have started shooting. The loud and daunting sign of the bullets makes my heart jump in fear and race rapidly.  

Sample chapters: See=>

Monday 26 August 2013


Please follow my blog people, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

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"  Life is unfair. There is no question about it. If you stand up for yourself, the effect comes bouncing back at you. If you remain silent, you are marked as weak prey. There is nothing you can do to please people, to have a happy life. It's the reality of life. The truth. And the truth is never sweet. "

Wednesday 21 August 2013

This is me

"I am not rude. I am just brutally honest."


I close my eyes,
As they force me to do,
Something I won't,
Even if they give me,
Give me terror,
Because it's so unwise,
To let the child,
live that horror,

Is my life worth it?
To let another person die,
And look on as,
Their beloved ones cry?

Is my life worth it?
To rob a life,
Of such a small child,
And let myself strive,'

Is my life worth it?
To send a child,
to the skies,
And look on, 
Look on,
As the person dies,

My life is not worth it,
No worth it to let that child feel it,
Feel it,
The horror

No matter how much pain,
how much terror,
how much horror,
how much sadness,
they give me,
It doesn't matter if 
they make me feel these,
again and again,
Because that child,
doesn't deserve,
this horror,


What do they know about pain?
When they feel none?
And make me feel it,
again and again?
I am just like a body lit,
Ignited just for fun.

I am just like a body lit,
Ignited just for fun,
They get nothing from it,
No happiness, no glee, none,
Still they comply to break my heart,
To see my features contort,
Contort in pain,
As they make me feel it,
Again and again,
Cause I am just like a body lit,
Ignited just for fun,
And even though they get nothing from it,
They no mercy, they have none,

It's brutal, ruthless,
That a person should experience,
Such distress,
And should be given no chance,
For defiance,
But I am just like a body lit,
Ignited just for fun,
Even though they get nothing from it,
They have no mercy, they have none,

Cause I am ignited,
Ignited just for fun,
But what they don't know,
That they are misguided,
Because later these memories will flow,
And I will feel no pain, feel none,